Current Projects Portfolio

A project is not just a way to create something new, it’s a journey that challenges and inspires us to be better.

SUCO Zeit Bay

We specialize in a comprehensive range of waste water treatment solutions to ensure efficient and environmentally friendly processes. Here is a summary of the various stages and types of treatment we employed in Zeit Bay :

  1. Mechanical, Physical, Electrical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment: Our waste water treatment process involves a combination of mechanical, physical, electrical, chemical, and biological treatments. These stages work synergistically to remove contaminants and ensure the purification of the water.
  2. Compact Separation Unit (CSU) : Our compact separation unit serves as the initial stage of the treatment process. It utilizes physical and mechanical mechanisms to separate oil and grease from the water. Through this process, a significant reduction in BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) levels is achieved.
  3. De-Nitrifier: The de-nitrifier is a crucial component of our biological treatment stage. It employs a mix of microorganisms to break down nitrates into environmentally friendly compounds. By providing a low-oxygen environment and supplementing nutrients, the de-nitrifier efficiently reduces nitrite and organic compounds.
  4. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Unit: Our DAF unit utilizes aeration and flotation to remove suspended solids from the waste water. By saturating the water with air bubbles, the heavier particles rise to the surface, allowing for their easy removal. Our DAF unit is carefully designed to ensure optimal efficiency.
5. Heavy Metal Precipitation: To address heavy metal contamination, we employ a precipitation process that converts soluble metal compounds into insoluble suspended ions. By adding specific sorbents and utilizing electrolysis, the heavy metal ions bond with the reactants and settle as sludge, which is then removed from the water.
6. Fixed Biofilm Bed Reactors (FBBRs): Our FBBRs serve as the secondary stage of biological treatment. In these reactors, microorganisms convert ammonia and other nitrogen compounds to nitrates and nitrites. Our FBBRs are designed with high-quality materials and increased surface area to maximize the growth and efficiency of microorganisms.

7. Clarifiers: Clarifiers play a vital role in the sedimentation and clarification process. These large tanks facilitate the settling of particles through gravity, allowing for the removal of sludge from the surface. We incorporate lamella tubes and use flocculants and coagulants to enhance the clarification process.

8. Ultrafiltration: Ultrafiltration, a form of membrane filtration, further purifies the water by retaining suspended solids and high molecular weight solutes while allowing water and low molecular weight solutes to pass through. Our ultrafiltration modules effectively filter macro molecules to ensure clean water output.

Our project involves the treatment of influent wastewater to meet stringent effluent standards set by Egyptian Environmental Law 4/1994. The influent wastewater characteristics include a flow rate of 2,500 m³ per day, pH ranging from 4.88 to 7.5, yellow color, and various pollutant concentrations.

The influent wastewater contains high levels of contaminants, including COD (5394 mg/l), BOD (2676 mg/l), TSS (56-456 mg/l), oil and grease (12-57 mg/l), as well as heavy metals such as lead (1.422 mg/l), cadmium (0.098 mg/l), chromium (0.064 mg/l), iron (33.1 mg/l), and manganese (150 mg/l).

To comply with Egyptian Environmental Law, our project guarantees the treatment process to meet the specified effluent standards. The effluent parameters to be achieved include pH (6-9), colorless appearance, COD (100 mg/l), BOD (60 mg/l), TSS (60 mg/l), oil and grease (15 mg/l), and reduced concentrations of pollutants such as lead, cadmium, chromium, iron, and manganese.

We assure compliance with all effluent standards specified in the law, except for total dissolved solids (TDS), which will be addressed separately by the client. Our proposed treatment system, including the ultrafiltration unit, covers all aspects of the offer without exclusions.

GPC, BAKR & Gharib

Let’s delve into the specifics of how our
state-of-the-art system addresses the influent parameters and achieves the stringent
effluent standards:

The influent wastewater processed by our advanced system contains a range of pollutants, including a daily volume of 5,000 m³, operating 24 hours per day, with an hourly flow rate of 208 m³. The wastewater has a pH level of 6.5, a gray color, and significant concentrations of contaminants, including COD (2217 mg/l), BOD (882 mg/l), TSS (24 mg/l), oil and grease (55 mg/l), nitrogen (total) (140.5 mg/l), ammonia as nitrogen (140.5 mg/l), phenols (4 mg/l), sulfide (85.5 mg/l), and manganese (1.5 mg/l).

To meet the stringent effluent standards, our cutting-edge project guarantees outstanding treatment performance. The effluent parameters to be achieved include maintaining a pH range of 6 to 9, ensuring a colorless appearance, reducing COD concentrations to 100 mg/l, achieving a BOD level of 60 mg/l, minimizing TSS to 60 mg/l, and limiting oil and grease content to 15 mg/l. Furthermore, our system ensures a significant reduction in the concentrations of pollutants such as nitrogen (total), ammonia as nitrogen, phenols, sulfide, nickel, and manganese.

With our revolutionary wastewater treatment solution, we provide an unmatched and reliable method of transforming heavily contaminated influent wastewater into compliant effluent that surpasses the most stringent environmental regulations.

AMAL Oil field

On a daily basis, approximately 1,200 m³ of wastewater is received, with the treatment plant operating continuously for 24 hours. This results in an average flow rate of 50 m³ per hour, highlighting the volume of wastewater that needs to be effectively treated.

In terms of water quality, the influent contains different concentrations of contaminants such as Vanadium (0.001 mg/l), Lead (0.01 mg/l), Cadmium (0.002 mg/l), Copper (0.04 mg/l), Nickel (0.005 mg/l), Iron (70 mg/l), Manganese (0.93 mg/l), Zinc (0.54 mg/l), Silver (0.01 mg/l), Boron (134 mg/l), with pH levels around 5.8. It also exhibits significant levels of pollutants including BOD (1960 mg/l), COD (4316 mg/l), TDS (186,965 mg/l), TSS (490 mg/l), Oil & Grease (166.3 mg/l), Total phosphorus (3.79 mg/l), Total Nitrogen (395 mg/l), and Phenols (0.92 mg/l).

On the other hand, the effluent standards achieved include Vanadium (0.01 mg/l), Lead (0.313 mg/l), Cadmium (0.006 mg/l), Copper (0.449 mg/l), Nickel (0.08 mg/l), Iron (18 mg/l), Manganese (5.6 mg/l), Zinc (0.155 mg/l), Silver (0.007 mg/l), Boron (0.012 mg/l), with pH levels around 5.85. The effluent targets lower concentrations of BOD (1096 mg/l), COD (2741 mg/l), TDS (194,500 mg/l), TSS (36 mg/l), Oil & Grease (5 mg/l), Total phosphorus (6.43 mg/l), Total Nitrogen (381 mg/l), and Phenols (0.218 mg/l).

SUCO Oil field, Ras Budran

The influent wastewater comprises several key parameters that require careful consideration during the treatment process

On a daily basis, approximately 2,500 m³ of wastewater is processed over a 24-hour operational period, resulting in an average hourly flow rate of 105 m³. The pH of the influent ranges from 5.4 to 6.5, and the wastewater exhibits a yellow color. Notable constituents include varying concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD) ranging from 2,680 to 5,760 mg/l, biological oxygen demand (BOD) ranging from 1,740 to 1,917 mg/l, total suspended solids (TSS) ranging from 40 to 371 mg/l, and oil and grease levels fluctuating between 4 and 22 mg/l.

Moreover, the influent wastewater contains significant amounts of other substances, such as total phosphorus ranging from 1.98 to 8.5 mg/l, total nitrogen ranging from 7.86 to 12 mg/l, ammonia (nitrogen) at 7.78 mg/l, lead at 0.209 mg/l, cadmium at 0.005 mg/l, chromium at 0.024 mg/l, iron at 85.8 mg/l, and manganese at 43.1 mg/l.

To meet the desired effluent standards, the treatment process aims to achieve the following quality parameters: pH within the acceptable range of 6-9, a colorless appearance, COD reduced to 100 mg/l, BOD reduced to 60 mg/l, TSS reduced to 60 mg/l, oil and grease limited to 15 mg/l, total phosphorus maintained at 2 mg/l, total nitrogen at 10 mg/l, ammonia (nitrogen) at 3 mg/l, lead at 0.01 mg/l, cadmium at 0.01 mg/l, chromium at 0.01 mg/l, iron at 1.5 mg/l, and manganese at 0.1 mg/l. By adhering to these effluent standards, the treatment process ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and the safe discharge of treated wastewater.”



6 St. Free Zone, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

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  • +2 0120 782 8402
  • +2 0120 782 8430